Join us for St. Mark’s Day Camp!
St. Mark’s is offering a week of day camp for 4-year-olds who are fully potty-trained. Registration is limited to 10 children due to state COVID-19 regulations for day camps.
Each day of camp will be filled with games, crafts, and fun!
The following two forms need to be filled out and submitted for our St. Mark’s Day Camp. The first is our Family and Emergency Information form. This information will be kept on file for safety information and for when we need to contact you.
This second form is our registration form for the week. In this form you’ll also find two documents linked, our Participation Agreement and our Health and Safety Plan. Please read through them carefully. Your agreement to these documents is required for registration in St. Mark’s Day Camp.
WHEN: Monday-Friday, 8:15 am to 11:45 am
WHO: 4-year-olds who are fully potty-trained
COST: $75 for the week (no prorated amounts for days missed). Payments can be submitted at the following link using the line item “Day Camp”:
SIZE: St. Mark’s Day Camp will be limited to a maximum of 10 campers
- We ask that your camper brings a snack and a water bottle each day.
- We also ask that you bring a change of clothes (shirt, shorts/pants, underwear, socks) in a ziploc bag. This will be stored on campus so you don’t have to bring it each day.
- Since most activities will be held outdoors on St. Mark’s campus, please apply sunscreen to your child before drop-off each day or provide a bottle of spray-on sunscreen for your child.
- Other things may be needed to participate in the camp’s theme each week. This will be communicated to you ahead of time.
- Per state guidelines, your child’s temperature will be checked by a staff member using a non-contact thermometer before you sign them in for the day. If their temperature reading is too high, you may be asked to take your child home.
- You are required to sign your child in when dropping off and sign your child out when picking up each day.
- Weather permitting, you will sign in and drop off your child at the northwest corner of St. Mark’s main parking lot (the corner of the lot between the gym and the open field). Please walk your camper up to (and pick them up at) the sign-in table each day. If the weather or air quality do not allow for outdoor activities, sign-in and sign-out will be in the gym lobby.